讀者對象:高階管理人,想在商業、政治、經濟與社會環境上更上一層樓者刊物介紹: 每期提供專家對商業和投資的建議,實用的策略和方向,是經營者必備的重要資訊來源。 Fortune gets you inside. Filled with expert advice on winning the business and investing, every issue brings you closer to success. Offering practical strategies and directions, it's a must-have to maximize results. ◆訂閱手續時間:您將於訂閱後5-8周收到第一期雜誌。請您耐心等待 續訂戶:請務必填上續訂編號
是一本專門報導全球時事與商業活動的週刊,內容包括國際新聞、各地政治、環球商業經濟、科技發展、科學新知及文化藝術等,提供具前瞻性的時局預測和精闢透徹的分析評論,是許多世界知名領袖,如前南非總統曼德拉、微軟總裁比爾蓋茲及英國大亨理查布蘭森等每週必讀的刊物。 "The Economist is a weekly international news and business publication offering clear reporting, commentary and analysis on world politics, business, finance, science, technology, culture, society and the arts. Thoroughly researched and always impartial, it is priority reading for leaders throughout Asia and the world every week -- leaders like Nelson Mandela, Bill Gates and Richard Branson." ◆訂閱手續時間:您將於訂閱後5-8周收到第一期雜誌。請您耐心等待 續訂戶:請務必填上續訂編號
自1933年成立以來,《美國新聞和世界報導》致力追求公正、正確的報導,範圍涵蓋所有層面,包括政治、教育、健康、科技、理財投資以及家庭,專業與權威性的報導深受讀者信賴。 Founded in 1933, Washington, DC-based U.S. News delivers a unique brand of weekly magazine journalism to its more than 11 million readers. They rely on our writers and editors to be fair--to get it right. So they trust U.S. News to provide them with actionable, useful information, and to provide original, agenda-setting reporting--journalism that makes a difference in people's lives. Our bigger, better investigative news team is one of the largest and most experienced in the business. Readers have come to expect U.S. News to make news, not just report on it. Every issue brings them concise, unbiased perspective on issues and events that affect their lives: education, health, technology, money, and family. ◆訂閱手續時間:您將於訂閱後5-8周收到第一期雜誌。請您耐心等待 續訂戶:請務必填上續訂編號
Business Traveller
刊物介紹: 一個滿意的商務旅遊,取決於事先萬全準備,把最新的訊息,用最簡捷的方法告訴您。Business Traveller有旅行資訊、內行導遊、休憩度假勝地報導、旅館折扣、機票價格、費用、天氣、購物指南、美食、文化……,提供旅遊和商務方面確實可靠的資訊、何處值得一遊,如何前往,費用如何,享受既愉快又帶點冒險的商務之旅。 "Business Traveller" is the best business travel magazine, writen for the travelling businessperson who seeks an independent view of worldwide travel issues. ASIA-PACIFIC,亞太商務旅遊.每年1-2月合刊.7-8月合刊 ◆訂閱手續時間:您將於訂閱後5-8周收到第一期雜誌。請您耐心等待 續訂戶:請務必填上續訂編號
集聚全球最新的商業訊息及觀點之雙週刊,大膽獨特的見解,讓讀者在充滿變化的自由商場中,洞悉商業的先機,提前掌握全球競爭趨勢,開創更寬廣的未來。 ◆訂閱手續時間:您將於訂閱後5-8周收到第一期雜誌。請您耐心等待 續訂戶:請務必填上續訂編號
刊物介紹: 《遠東經濟評論》是一本專注于亞洲地區事務相關前沿觀點和評論的月刊雜誌,它致力於提供原創、獨立、敏銳的關於亞洲和亞洲事務的報道與分析。雜誌的許多供稿人是知名政要、學者和商業領袖,它向很多精英讀者提供了對於整個亞洲的深入思考,和與之相符的高質量的全新觀點和權威文章。 《遠東經濟評論》聚焦于影響亞洲商業和政治的重要事件,保證提供給讀者需要的所有知識。《遠東經濟評論》提供來自各類思想、背景和行業的亞洲頂尖思考者最深入銳利及挑戰性的評論。 在當今的資訊泛濫時代,《遠東經濟評論》並不單單地作?一個主要新聞的來源。它對亞洲的發展提供了新視角和見解,並幫助商業領導者把資訊轉變?知識。 The monthly Far Eastern Economic Review is an Asian magazine of ideas and opinions, offering original, independent, incisive news and analysis about Asia and Asian issues. Its opinion-leading and authoritative articles — many of them written by well known political figures, scholars and business leaders — have a strong appeal to an elite readership unmatched in terms of quality and "thought leadership" throughout Asia. With its strong focus on the critical business and political issues that affect Asia, the REVIEW is guaranteed to give its readers all the knowledge they need. The REVIEW offers the most incisive and provocative commentary from leading Asian thinkers of every ideological stripe, background and profession. In an era of information overload, the REVIEW is not simply another source of primary news. It offers new perspectives and insights on the trends affecting Asia, helping business leaders transform information into knowledge. 遠東經濟評論, 投資人不可或缺的一本經濟評論期刊.2月,8月不出刊. ◆訂閱手續時間:您將於訂閱後5-8周收到第一期雜誌。請您耐心等待 續訂戶:請務必填上續訂編號
刊物介紹: 美國國家地理學會自1888年起已贊助了六千多項探險與研究計畫,而旗下的國家地理雜誌,由各行各業的專家為你報導世界各地的自然與人文,極具參考價值,而其中許多珍貴的照片,皆為攝影師冒險得來的精心傑作。 You are invited to roam the world in the pages of National Geographic magazine. Explore the diversity of our planet's lands and inhabitants in compelling stories covering topics such as animals, nature, science, technology, culture, history, travel, adventure, exploration, and geography. ◆訂閱手續時間:您將於訂閱後5-8周收到第一期雜誌。請您耐心等待 續訂戶:請務必填上續訂編號
刊物介紹: 這是由哈佛管理學院所出版的國際性經營管理期刊,每期有專家洞悉企業經營管理思想、理論及實務上的重要發展與趨勢,而使這份刊物成為全球領導者,及許多具影響力的商務人士優先選擇的讀物。 HBR is the world's acknowledged authority on business leadership for managers responsible for success in the global economy. It presents analysis of management problems and helpful commentary on advanced thinking and practice in all fields of management and administration. ◆訂閱手續時間:您將於訂閱後5-8周收到第一期雜誌。請您耐心等待 續訂戶:請務必填上續訂編號
Business Week
全美最具影響力之商業週刊Business Week GLOBAL版,在報導全球商業資訊方面具有領先地位。本刊以深入分析見長,它的470萬讀者都是追求成功的專業人士,幫助你在現代複雜的經濟社會中找到成功之鑰,深入的解析報導現今的科技、財經、管理趨勢,精準專業的分析預測贏得各界商業人士的信任。 BusinessWeek is a global source of trusted content that informs and inspires business leaders to make smarter decisions in their professional and personal lives. Founded in 1929 and published by the McGraw-Hill Companies, BusinessWeek magazine is the market leader, with more than 4.9 million readers each week in 140 countries. Local language editions include Simple Chinese, Israeli and Bahasa Indonesian ◆訂閱手續時間:您將於訂閱後5-8周收到第一期雜誌。請您耐心等待 續訂戶:請務必填上續訂編號